📕 Security Wale (pronounced waale), roughly translates to “the security people”, is a blog about cloud, cybersecurity, and that AI thing in between - written by Aditya Patel.
This is a passion project, where Aditya shares his learnings, opinions and rants from over a decade of working in the IT industry in United States. For a living, currently, he protects ☁️ cloudy things at Amazon/AWS. Earlier, Aditya has done software security consulting, masters in Information Security from Johns Hopkins, and computer science engineering.
To support this effort, consider subscribing (it’s free) and spreading the word.
You can reach him via email at hey@secwale.com or on LinkedIn.
Note: I'm currently employed by Amazon. Opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.

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I write the Security Wale, a blog about cloud, cybersecurity, and that AI thing in between. For a living, I protect ☁️ things at Amazon. Earlier, security consulting for a decade, masters in infosec from Johns Hopkins, computer science engineer.